Is Poker Haram In Islam? (All Clear)
Poker is a popular card game that has been around for centuries. It involves both luck and skill, making it an exciting and challenging game to play.
However, with the rise of online poker sites and the increasing accessibility of the game, there have been debates about its halal (permissible) or haram (forbidden) status in Muslims.
In this blog post, we will explore the question and answer is poker haram in Islam with references to Islamic teachings and opinions from scholars.
So let’s dive in and uncover the truth behind this controversial topic.

Is Poker Haram?
Yes, the simple answer is that poker is considered haram in Islam.
This is because Poker is a card game that involves gambling, which is strictly forbidden in Islam.
In the Quran, Allah (SWT) explicitly states, “O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), and gambling… are an abomination of Satan’s handiwork. [Quran 5:90]”
This verse clearly prohibits any form of gambling, including poker, as it can lead to addiction, loss of wealth, and harm to oneself and others.
Additionally, in the Hadith (sayings of Prophet Muhammad), it is narrated by Abu Huraira that the Prophet (PBUH) said, “whoever earns his money from gambling is cursed by Allah.” [Sahih Bukhari]
Therefore, both the Quran and Hadith make it clear that gambling, including poker, is haram in Islam.
Not only due to gambling, but poker also involves elements of deception and manipulation, which are also considered undesirable traits in Islam.
And, according to some hadiths, any card game whether they involve gambling or not, is considered haram. Therefore, even playing poker without involving money is still prohibited in Islam.
Poker also goes against the principles of fairness and honesty, as it relies on tricking and deceiving opponents to win. In Islam, we are taught to be just, honest, and truthful in all our actions.
Therefore, engaging in poker contradicts these values and teachings of Islam.
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Opinions From Islamic Scholars
As mentioned above, the majority of Islamic scholars consider poker to be haram due to its association with gambling and deception.
They also argue that participating in poker goes against the Islamic principle of avoiding harm to oneself and others.
However, some believe that if poker is played without involving money or any form of gambling, then it may not be considered haram.
However, this view is not widely accepted as it still involves elements of deception and manipulation.
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Is Watching Poker Haram?
Do you like watching poker tournaments on television, online, or live? If so, then you may wonder if it is haram to watch others play poker.
Watching poker without participating in the game itself can also be considered haram in Islam, according to Islamic teachings.
This is because by watching, one is indirectly supporting and promoting a forbidden activity (gambling) and thus becomes part of the sin.
Moreover, watching poker can lead to an increase in one’s desire to engage in the game, which can lead to addiction and further harm.
Why Poker Is Haram?
Poker is haram for several reasons.
Firstly, the involvement of gambling, which is explicitly prohibited in Islam.
Secondly, it goes against the principles of fairness and honesty, as well as promoting undesirable traits such as deception and manipulation.
Furthermore, playing poker can lead to addiction and harm to oneself and others, which goes against the Islamic principle of avoiding harm.
And finally, by participating in or supporting activities that are considered haram in Islam, one is going against the teachings and values of the religion.
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Tips To Avoid The Attraction Toward Poker
With the popularity of online poker sites and the glamorization of the game in media, it can be challenging to resist its temptation.
But as Muslims, we must remember to follow the teachings of our religion and avoid engaging in activities that are considered haram.
Here are some tips on how you can resist the attraction towards poker:
- Educate yourself about the Islamic perspective on gambling and its harmful effects.
- Develop a strong understanding of your values and principles as a Muslim.
- Avoid situations or companies that may lead you to engage in poker or any other form of gambling.
- Find alternative activities that are halal and fulfilling, such as spending time with family and friends, engaging in sports, or learning a new skill.
- Turn to Allah (SWT) in prayer and seek His guidance and strength to resist temptations.
Also see is esports haram.
Q. Is it haram to play poker without money?
A. Yes, even playing poker without involving money is still considered haram in Islam.
Q. Is playing poker haram?
A. Yes, playing poker is considered haram in Islam due to its association with gambling and other negative aspects.
Q. Is online poker haram?
A. Yes, online poker is also considered haram in Islam as it involves gambling and the promotion of undesirable traits. It has the same ruling as traditional poker.
Q. Is poker just gambling?
A. Yes, poker is primarily a form of gambling and is therefore considered haram in Islam.
Q. Is there any way to make poker halal?
A. No, as it involves elements of gambling, deception, and harm, there is no way to make poker halal according to Islamic teachings.
In conclusion, poker is considered haram in Islam due to its association with gambling, deception, and harm to oneself and others. The majority of Islamic scholars agree with this ruling, and it is based on the explicit prohibition of gambling in the Quran and Hadith.
Therefore, as Muslims, we should avoid engaging in any activity that goes against the teachings and values of our religion, including poker.
Instead, we should strive towards engaging in productive and beneficial activities that bring us closer to Allah (SWT).
I hope your doubt on is poker haram or halal in Islam is clear now. If you have any further questions or opinions, feel free to leave them in the comments below.