Is Kissing Haram In Islam? (All Clear)
Kissing is a common form of physical intimacy that is shared between two individuals. It is done as a way of expressing love, affection, and desire towards someone.
However, many Muslims are confused about whether kissing is allowed in Islam or if it is considered haram (forbidden).
In this blog post, we will explore the topic and answer is kissing haram in Islam with proof for both married and unmarried couples.
So let’s clear all the doubts.

Is Kissing Haram?
The simple answer to this question is it depends. if you’re married and kiss your spouse then it is not haram as long as it is done within the boundaries of Islam.
However, if you’re unmarried and kiss someone who is not your spouse then it is considered haram in Islam.
It is very simple, any physical or emotional intimacy outside of marriage is prohibited in Islam.
In the Quran, it says “And do not approach unlawful relationship. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.” (17:32)
This verse clearly states that any type of physical intimacy should only be done within the bounds of marriage.
Marriage in Islam is considered a sacred bond between two individuals and any physical intimacy should only be shared between them.
So, if you’re unmarried, kissing someone who is not your spouse is a sin and therefore haram.
You can also learn is dating haram.
Kissing Within Marriage In Islam
As mentioned earlier, kissing within marriage is allowed in Islam as long as it is done to express love and affection towards your spouse.
There are many Hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) that show the importance and permissibility of kissing within marriage.
For example, in one Hadith, it is narrated from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that she said: “The Messenger of Allah would kiss me while he was fasting.” (Sunan an-Nasai)
This Hadith shows that even during the month of Ramadan when Muslims are required to fast from dawn until sunset, kissing between married couples is allowed.
However, it is important to note that even within marriage, some boundaries and guidelines should be followed.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The believer does not allow himself to be stung twice from one (and the same) hole.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
This means that if a husband and wife engage in any type of physical intimacy, it should not lead to anything that is prohibited in Islam.
Therefore, you should know that even if you’re married, kissing your spouse in public or engaging in any form of physical intimacy that can potentially lead to haram actions is not allowed.
If you’re not married, you can also learn can i kiss my fiance before marriage in islam.
Kissing Before Marriage In Islam
As mentioned earlier, any physical intimacy outside of marriage is considered haram in Islam.
This includes kissing someone who is not your spouse.
Many young Muslims often struggle with this concept as it is a common practice in many cultures to engage in casual kissing before marriage.
However, as Muslims, we should remember that our actions are based on the teachings of Islam and not cultural norms.
In Islam, the concept of modesty and protecting one’s chastity is highly emphasized.
Therefore, engaging in any form of physical intimacy before marriage goes against these teachings.
Moreover, it can also lead to potential sins such as zina (adultery) which is considered a major sin in Islam.
So if you’re unmarried, remember that kissing someone who is not your spouse is not allowed in Islam and can lead to harmful consequences.
Also see is it haram to watch kissing.
Quran And Hadiths On Kissing
Apart from the Hadith mentioned earlier, there are other verses and sayings from the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad that shed light on the topic of kissing in Islam.
One such verse is “And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, brothers, sons, and children’s husbands…” (24:31)
This verse emphasizes the importance of modesty among Muslim women and the boundaries that should be followed in regard to physical intimacy.
Moreover, some Hadiths mention the reward for those who refrain from engaging in any kind of haram physical intimacy.
In one Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever guarantees me (the chastity of) what is between his legs and what is between his jaws, I guarantee him Paradise.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
This shows that controlling one’s desires and protecting one’s chastity can lead to immense rewards in the afterlife.
How To Avoid Haram Kissing In Islam
As Muslims, it is important to know the boundaries and guidelines set by Islam in regard to kissing or any physical intimacy.
Here are some ways you can avoid haram kissing in Islam:
- Understand the teachings of Islam on modesty and protecting one’s chastity.
- Refrain from engaging in any form of physical intimacy before marriage.
- If married, follow the guidelines set in Islam for intimacy within marriage. Such as kissing in private and avoiding any actions that can lead to haram
- Avoid being alone with someone of the opposite gender who is not your spouse.
- Get in touch with your local mosque or Islamic center for guidance on this topic.
- Avoid watching or reading content that promotes casual kissing and other types of physical intimacy outside of marriage.
Also learn can a girl kiss a girl in islam.
Q. Is kissing before marriage haram?
A. Yes, kissing before marriage is considered haram in Islam as it goes against the teachings of modesty and protecting one’s chastity.
Q. Is french kiss haram in Islam before marriage?
A. Yes, the french kiss is haram in Islam before marriage as it falls under the category of physical intimacy outside of marriage.
Q. Is kissing haram in Islam after marriage?
A. No, kissing within marriage is allowed in Islam with your spouse as long as it is done to express love and affection.
Q. Is kissing haram during Ramadan?
A. No, kissing within marriage is allowed during Ramadan as long as you can control your desires and it does not lead to physical intimacy.
Q. Is it halal to kiss your crush?
A. No, kissing someone with whom you are not married is considered haram in Islam.
Q. Is it haram to kiss a friend?
A. Yes, kissing someone of the opposite gender no matter the relationship is considered haram in Islam.
Q. Is it allowed to kiss private parts in Islam?
A. If you’re married, you can kiss your spouse’s private parts but it’s makruh (disliked) in Islam. However, kissing someone else’s private parts is considered haram in any context.
In conclusion, Islam has clear guidelines on physical intimacy and kissing is no exception.
While it is allowed within the boundaries of marriage, any form of kissing or physical intimacy outside of marriage is considered haram.
We as Muslims need to understand and follow these guidelines in order to protect our chastity and uphold the teachings of modesty in Islam.
I hope your query is kissing haram or halal in Islam has been answered with related queries.
Always remember, that following the teachings of Islam will bring us peace and blessings in this life and the hereafter. May Allah guide us all towards the right path. Ameen.