Is It Haram To Have A Cat In Islam?
Being a Muslim, are you thinking of getting a cat in your house but have no idea about its halal or haram status in Islam? Well, this article is the answer to your questions.
Cat is one of the most common pets in the world, and many Muslims love petting cats.
But some people think it’s haram to keep a cat as a pet, while others say they’re allowed to have one.
So, let us answer is it haram to have a cat and understand the Islamic perspective on this issue.
Is It Haram To Have A Cat?
The answer to this question is no. According to Islamic Laws, it is halal for Muslims to keep cats as pets because they are not harmful or unclean like dogs.
Cats are one of the animals that Islam has praised, and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a great cat lover.
He even had his own cat, which he named Muezza.
The story is that once the Prophet was awake by hearing the sound of an adhan to ready for prayer. He saw that his cat Muezza was sleeping on the sleeve of his clothes, and he didn’t want to wake her up.
So, out of respect for Muezza, he cut off the part of his clothes that she was sleeping on rather than disturbing her sleep.
This story illustrates how close the relationship between cats and Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
So, we can say in Islam cats are not haram; they are permissible and even respectable.
Also, most Islamic scholars agree that keeping cats as pets is permissible, including Mufti Menk.
However, also note that there is no direct mention in the Quran or hadith about keeping cats haram or halal.
But the love and kindness of Muhammad (peace be upon him) toward his pet cats is enough to prove that keeping cats as pets is allowed in Islam. Also, there is no reason to consider cats as impure or haram.
Only keeping a dog is haram in Islam as a pet because they are considered unclean and harmful, and you have to be extra careful in raising them.
With cats, you don’t have to worry about any of these things and can enjoy keeping cats as your pets in the house.
If you like to have a dog, you must know is it haram to have a dog in the house.
Things To Consider If You Keep A Cat As A Pet
So far, you’ve seen that keeping cats as pets is permissible. But you should know that if you keep a cat, it comes with a responsibility.
You have to take care of the cat, feed it, and give it shelter in your home. Otherwise, you might be violating the Islamic teachings.
You also have to take good care of your cat and make sure it is healthy and not causing any harm to other people or animals.
Also, you should keep in mind that cats are very independent creatures, so they need some space for themselves, too. And they might like to explore your home at times, which may disturb you.
You should also be careful about the litter box and make sure you clean it regularly to avoid any impurities or bad smells.
Also, make sure to don’t miss your prayers and other Islamic obligations behind taking care of your cat. If you can’t manage it, then it might be better to not get a cat or keep someone else to take care of the cat when you’re busy if you can afford it.
Lastly, always ensure your cat is clean and healthy and does not spread any diseases.
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Why Cats Are Praised In Islam?
Cats are praised in Islam because of their obedience, loyalty, and cleanliness. Cats always keep themselves clean by grooming and also like to avoid places considered impure or unclean.
Also, cats have a loyal nature and usually never leave the side of their owners. They can be very helpful to humans when it comes to hunting small animals like mice and rats.
In Islam, cats also represent kindness and generosity, which is why they are praised by the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Cats can bring joy, comfort, and calm to your house, so overall, keeping cats as pets is allowed in Islam.
You can also learn is crocodile halal.
Q. Is it haram to have a black cat?
A. No, there is nothing haram about having a black cat. It’s just a superstition which is not in line with Islamic teachings. You can have a black cat if you like.
Q. Is it haram to have a cat in the house?
A. No, it is not haram to have a cat in the house. Cats are praised in Islam, and taking care of cats is recommended.
Q. Is it haram to have a cat as a pet?
A. No, it is not haram to have a cat as a pet. It’s halal to keep cats as pets in Islam if you can take care of them properly.
Q. Can a cat sleep with you in Islam?
A. Yes, it is permissible for a cat to sleep with you in Islam as long as the cat is clean and not creating any impurities in the house. However, it is better to keep the cat in a separate bed or room if you can.
Q. Cat is halal or haram?
A. Cats are considered halal in Islam, as they do not pose a threat or harm to humans and are not considered unclean animals.
Q. Is it haram to sleep with a cat?
A. There is no prohibition in Islam against sleeping with a cat. However, it is recommended to keep the sleeping area clean and free from any potential harm or disturbance.
Q. Why are dogs haram but not cats?
A. Dogs are considered to be unclean and can pose a threat or harm to humans in certain situations, such as when they are rabid. Cats, on the other hand, do not carry the same risk and thus are not prohibited.
Q. Is it haram to buy a cat?
A. No, it is not haram to buy a cat as long as the money used for purchase is halal and obtained through permissible means. It is important to note that buying animals should be done with care and consideration for their well-being.
Q. Did prophet Muhammad have a cat?
A. Yes, it is reported that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had a cat named Muezza and he loved her dearly. There are many stories and traditions about the Prophet’s love for cats and how he treated them with kindness and compassion.
Q. Why are cats not haram?
A. Cats are not haram in Islam because they do not fulfill the criteria of being considered unclean or harmful animals. They are also beneficial to humans as they can keep rodents away and provide companionship.
In conclusion, cats are halal and even praised in Islam. Keeping cats as pets is allowed under Islamic law if you can take care of them properly.
However, make sure to prioritize your prayers and other Islamic obligations over taking care of your cat. Also, be careful about the litter box; don’t let the cat spread any impurities in the house.
We hope this article has answered your questions about is it haram to have a cat in Islam. Now, you can get a healthy and clean cat for a pet if you prefer.