Is Burgerism Halal In The UK?
Burgerism is an incredibly popular fast food chain in the UK and is known for its delicious burgers.
However, many people are often left wondering whether burgerism is halal or haram.
If you’re one of those who have been wondering about the halal status of burgerism, then this blog post is for you.
In this article, we’ll answer is Burgerism halal or haram and discuss everything you need to know about it. So let’s clear up this confusion once and for all.

Is Burgerism Halal?
Yes, according to a Brand all of their meat is halal. This means that all the burgers and other meat products served at burgerism are prepared according to Islamic dietary laws.
However, it should be noted that they also serve Alcohol, which is not permissible in Islam.
And they don’t have halal certification of their own, they do rely on the certification of their suppliers.
Their meat supplier is Halal certified, which assures that the meat used in burgerism is halal and safe for Muslim consumption.
But the kitchen at burgerism is not halal certified, so there could be a chance of cross-contamination.
Therefore, if you are someone who follows strict halal guidelines, then this might be something to consider before eating at burgerism.
Also, they said that their meat is pre-stunned in order to meet animal welfare requirements. While pre-stunning is a controversial issue among halal consumers, it is not considered haram by many and therefore does not affect the halal status of burgerism.
Well if you ask me personally, I do not prefer to eat in a place where alcohol is served, since it goes against my religious beliefs.
However, for those who are okay with consuming halal meat that may have been prepared in a non-halal environment, burgerism could be an option.
Otherwise, there are many other halal burger restaurants in the UK that you can choose from.
See here for our list of top halal burger restaurants in the UK with their halal status:
Why We Recommend To Avoid Burgerism
While burgerism may claim to serve halal meat, the fact that they also serve alcohol and do not have their own halal certification can be a concern for many Muslims.
Additionally, the chance of cross-contamination in their kitchen cannot be ignored.
Our team thought it would be best to recommend avoiding burgerism for those who are strict followers of halal guidelines.
This is because if they are following all the guidelines for halal meat, then they should also follow the guidelines for a completely halal environment.
And why they don’t own a halal certification is something that may raise questions for some consumers. They started in 2018, and still do not have their own halal certification.
Many brands started even in 2020 and have already got their halal certification.
So due to all these reasons, we would recommend avoiding burgerism if you are looking for a strictly halal restaurant.
You can also learn is Burger And Lobster halal.
In conclusion, burgerism does serve halal meat, however, the presence of alcohol and lack of their own halal certification can be concerning for some Muslim consumers.
If you are someone who follows strict halal guidelines, it would be best to avoid burgerism and opt for other halal burger restaurants in the UK.
We hope this article has helped clear up any confusion and provide you with the necessary information about the halal status of burgerism.
So next time someone asks you “Is burgerism halal?”, you’ll have all the correct information to share with them.