Can A Girl Kiss A Girl In Islam?
As we all know kissing the opposite gender without marriage is forbidden in Islam, but can a girl kiss another girl?
This question has been asked numerous times and it’s important to understand the perspective of Islam on this matter.
If you’re looking for a clear answer to can a girl kiss a girl in Islam, this article will give you the information and knowledge you need.
So, let’s dive in!

Can A Girl Kiss A Girl In Islam?
The simple and straightforward answer is no, a girl cannot kiss another girl in Islam. This act would be considered forbidden and goes against the teachings of Islam.
It is considered makruh (disliked) in Islam for a woman to touch another woman with desire or lust, let alone kissing.
However, if a woman kisses to baby girl on the cheek or forehead as a sign of affection, it is not considered forbidden in Islam.
But why is same-gender kissing forbidden in Islam?
Reasons Behind The Prohibition
In Islam, the focus is on maintaining purity and avoiding any act that may lead to immoral behavior. Kissing between opposite genders, especially those who are not married, can lead to temptation and ultimately, sin.
It is believed that physical contact between two people of the same gender can also lead to desire and lust, which goes against the teachings of Islam.
Also, Islam promotes modesty and discourages any act that may lead to showing off one’s desires or physical attraction toward another person.
To fulfill your desires or needs, marriage is the only permissible way in Islam. You cannot engage in any physical or intimate acts with someone who is not your spouse.
You can also learn can I kiss my fiance before marriage in Islam.
Treat Others With Respect
In Islam, it is important to treat others with respect and dignity. This includes refraining from any act that may make the other person feel uncomfortable or disrespected.
Kissing between two people of the same gender may be seen as disrespectful and offensive by the person being kissed. Thus, it is important to respect others and their boundaries.
Same-Gender Friendship In Islam
It is important to note that Islam allows same-gender friendship, as long as it is within the boundaries of modesty and respect.
Friendship between two people of the same gender should be pure and free from any physical or intimate acts.
In fact, in Islam, same-gender friends are considered to be a source of comfort and support, just like any other friendship.
Also learn is it haram to watch kissing.
Quran On Same-Gender Relationships
The Quran is clear about maintaining modesty and avoiding any acts that may lead to immoral behavior.
In Surah Al-A’raf, verse 26, it says “O children of Adam, We have bestowed upon you clothing to conceal your private parts and as adornment. But the clothing of righteousness – that is best. That is from the signs of Allah that perhaps they will remember.”
This verse highlights the importance of covering one’s private parts and avoiding any act that may lead to indecency.
In another verse, Surah An-Nur, verse 30, it says “Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is acquainted with what they do.”
Similarly, this verse emphasizes the need for modesty and guarding one’s private parts.
If you like watching romance videos, you can learn is it haram to watch romance.
Q. Can I kiss my GF in Islam?
A. No, kissing between non-married individuals of the opposite gender is haram (forbidden) in Islam.
Q. Can I kiss my wife lips in Islam?
A. Yes, kissing between married couples is permissible in Islam as a way to express love and affection towards one another.
Q. Why is same gender kissing prohibited in Islam?
A. Same gender kissing is prohibited in Islam to maintain modesty and avoid any act that may lead to sinful desires or behavior.
Q. Is it haram for a girl to kiss a girl on the cheek?
A. Yes, any physical contact between two women that goes beyond a simple greeting or affectionate gesture is considered forbidden in Islam.
Q. Is it haram for a girl to kiss a girl on the lips?
A. Yes, any form of physical intimacy between two girls that involves the lips is considered forbidden in Islam.
Q. Is it haram to kiss a girl on the lips?
A. It depends on your relationship with the girl and your intentions. If you’re married to a girl, then kissing on the lips is permissible. But if you’re not married, it would be considered haram.
Q. Is it haram to lip kiss the same gender?
A. Yes, it is haram to engage in any form of lip-kissing with someone of the same gender as it goes against the teachings of Islam.
Q. Is it haram to kiss your girl best friend??
A. If you’re not married to your girl best friend, then it would be considered haram to engage in any form of physical intimacy, including kissing.
Q. Is it okay to kiss your best friend (same gender) in Islam?
A. No, it is not permissible for two friends of the same gender to engage in kissing as it would be considered haram in Islam.
You can also learn is kissing haram.
In conclusion, it is clear that same-gender kissing is not permissible in Islam. It goes against the teachings of Islam on maintaining purity and avoiding any acts that may lead to immoral behavior.
Individuals need to respect themselves, others, and the boundaries set by Islam. Friendship between same-gender individuals is allowed but should be within the boundaries of modesty and respect.
I hope your search for can a girl kiss a girl in Islam has been answered and this article has provided you with the necessary knowledge on this matter. May we all strive to follow the teachings of Islam and lead a pure and righteous life.